Wednesday, June 01, 2011

June 1st. Missing Dad.

Dearest Derek,
Your Kael was too funny today. He was running around naked refusing to get in the tub as usual when I catch him going back into the bathroom and telling Eden "Get in tub Eden!" Then proceeding to, "No hitting Eden. No no Eden you time out. NOW! Go! You time out".

I think I have been putting him in time out a little too much lately. He likes to use what I threaten against him on Eden, and boss her around. I seriously thought I had a little more time before this happened. It was too cute, but is getting old that he is bossing her around. In the boys defense though she has been slapping him quite a bit when she is mad...

I haven't known how to explain to Kael where Dad is. While coming in from taking out the trash yesterday Kael thought it was Dad coming home and yelled out "DAD!", and was so disappointed that is was just Mom. A friend suggested today to get a map and then I can show him visually where Dad is. Kael helped me to color it and now I ask him to show me where Dad is on the map and he can show me. I thought this was a great idea. Tomorrow we are going to color in Ohio for Aunt Shelly. I want to start preparing him for our big journey the sooner the better!

Today was a good day. I had lots of help once again and I am so grateful. It was great that the kids were able to talk to you on the phone. They loved it! Kael talked about Dad for a while after that, and then we colored our map.

I'm missing me some Derek like crazy, but I can mark another day off of the calendar. I wish I could have sent the camera with you because I want to see a picture of you in your new uniform that you got today. wink wink.

Till tomorrow. Missin you! Lovin you!
Your wife.

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