Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 2011: Kael's Prayers

Hi Sweetie,

Kael insists on saying his own prayers at night now. It is really quite something.
So for documentation purposes here is my version of Kael's prayer tonight. At least, this is what I think he said and meant.

Heavenly Father,
Thankful for Daddy's. Thankful for Daddy's, thankful for Daddy's, thankful for Daddy's. Airplane, cool airplane! Frog, Eden, Daddy, thankful for Daddy's. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

Yup, except exaggerate that by about 50 more times each. And make Heavenly Father sound like Fathderrrrrrrrr. I'm pretty for certain the frog got thrown in there because we were reading his Book of Mormon Stories book, and it had a lizard on just about every page that he called a frog. He loved that little green thing.

Also, today he thought a piece of gross stuff off of a tree was a worm. He calls worms snails, and he LOVES bugs. It is pretty ridiculous, and I love that he loves that stuff.

Love you,

PS: Enjoy his bed head from today. Eden's was similar, just not quite as big.

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