Thursday, March 12, 2009


Your Baby Can Read

We got Kael the videos "Your Baby Can Read". We wanted him to watch educational shows once we started realizing that when we have him in a room with us he takes in everything on the screen. We decided maybe we should already start filtering what he is watching... We saw this on the television one night, we really don't watch tv, but I randomly flipped to it one day. These shows are amazing! It took a little while for Kael to actually get into it, but he can sit and watch the show and he laughs at certain parts and it entertains him while he is learning. It is so true that babies love to learn! He loves this brain stimulation just as much as he loves learning how to crawl, which by the way he is scooting now... =0)

Kael can now put his arms up, touch his toes, and wave. It is really amazing! So far we love these videos. We'll give you more updates as the months go by.

Here is my baby watching the show.

Monday, March 02, 2009

New Stuff

Kael got to meet his new baby cousin Gemma for a few moments. She was so tiny!!! I can't hardly remember Kael being so small... Her dad Ryan had to compare the two of them. So cute! Of course Kael thought that her binky was his and had to try to get from her... Hmmmm...

We tried taking a few fun photos with Kael... We really had some problems... Between Kael's constant need to be grabbing things, my stupidity at making a picture centered, and a wiggly baby we got about 30 pictures and 1 or 2 ok pictures... It was a fun shoot though. I don't think I will ever go for the mommy hair cut... I don't like my hair getting pulled, but somehow Kael can grab Derek's really short hair and get a good grab on it, so it isn't going to be worth it....

Grandma Heaton provided this new fun toy for Kael to borrow. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! =0) Now Kael can be a little mobile! He LOVES being able to walk around with mom and play at the same time! This is a HUGE help when I am making dinner so Kael can still see me and play! He definately doesn't like not being able to see his mom at ALL times...

Another new toy is this bouncer we got Kael. It goes in the doorway and it lets Kael bounce the time away... He absolutely loves bouncing! He likes to show his mom and dad how good he is and will just think he is something special and laugh and laugh! It is a love hate thing though because it wears him out so fast and so much that he gets grumpy after a while and needs a nap, which doesn't bother me at all!