Thursday, December 31, 2009

December Videos

December pictures

Busy Month / Good bye 2009 / Welcome 2010

BIG UPDATE: Sorry to bore those who don't care, but this is kind of like a journal for me, so I put on pictures and videos above this. =)

To start off, isn't it crazy that it is 2010 tomorrow? I mean, I remember as a kid not being able to imagine 2003 when I would graduate high school, and now it's 2010. Crazy crazy!

December has been a super busy month for us. Derek's calling at church is the activities director and he planned the ward Christmas party, which was December 5th. The party turned out to be a success and had a HUGE turn out. Santa even showed up, unfortunately Kael and I missed it, but maybe next year Kael will get to meet Santa.

My grandma had surgery on a broken arm again the day before Thanksgiving so I went to Phoenix to help out for the first week in December. My sister Shannon watched Kael during the day while I helped out at my Grandma's. My brother Jacob set it up so I could work from my Grandma's house and I think everything turned out pretty good. Kael and I even got to see my Mom during that week who took some time off the mission to help out too. Stupid me, didn't bring the camera and didn't get any pictures. I'm glad my Grandma is recovering well and am glad I was able to visit, but next time we decided it would be under better circumstances.

While down in Phoenix my sister Shannon and I had lots of fun! I watched her kids one night while her husband took her flying over Phoenix. Then we had lots of girl nights. One night we watched Twilight and then the next night we went to see New Moon! It was awesome! We got to the theatre right as it was starting and it was EMPTY! All you people who went to the midnight showing should know I think it was worth the wait! Seats to ourselves and no wait! The only sad part was I wished Derek was there the whole time. Oh well. We went to a Relief Society Christmas dinner one night too. Another night we waxed eyebrows and tinted them, and yes I have the blondest of blonde eyelashes and I dye them. So worth it, but super scary doing it on your own!

When Kael and I got back to St. George the next day we recovered and had family pictures taken! I am so excited to have pictures of Kael finally! I neglected getting 1 yr pictures, and I am glad I did it! He is getting so big!

Derek had finals a week later and did AWESOME! Straight A's! Not bad for having to miss school for interviews and being SUPER busy! I'm so proud of him! We took a break and just relaxed as a family for a while, still worked unfortunately, but it was just nice to have some time with just Derek and Kael.

We spent Christmas in SLC with Derek's family. We had a super nice time and got really spoiled. Kael was visited by Santa Clause and this was probably my favorite Christmas of all time just seeing his face on Christmas morning.
Derek grew up getting one special gift from Santa Clause that is sitting in the open waiting for you, and the rest were from parents, friends, and family all wrapped up. I totally LOVE this idea. It turned out great. Kael got a dump truck he can sit on and makes noise that came with big legos. He ran straight to his presents Christmas morning and bypassed everything else!!! He even got to play in the snow one day, which was so funny!

We got home and got back to the groove of working again and spending tons of time tickling Kael!

2009 has been full of blessings, and we are on to the new year and are so excited to see what is in store for us. We are getting more and more excited to meet little miss Eden in March. It seems like time sure is flying and she will be here sooner than I can imagine, but that is ok because I can't wait to see what she looks like!

For those who didn't receive one, here is our 2009 Christmas letter to friends and family:

Dear Friends and Family,

It is very exciting to sit and write about our year! I love being able to look back and see the joy and changes in our lives.

In January Derek started a rigorous school schedule of 24 credits and studying for the MCAT in April. He was able to maintain A’s in all of his classes and do very well on the MCAT. He has been working very hard for our family to make sure he gets accepted into medical school. He took several classes over the summer as well and submitted his medical school application. He has had a couple of interviews and hopefully by March we should have an idea where we will be moving to for the next several years. This semester as well as the next will continue to be very rigorous for him so that he can graduate with a bachelor in Biology in May. On top of all of his schooling Derek has been cleaning at the Callahan Clinic every morning and tutoring at the schools tutoring center and on the side as well. This has been such a learning experience for us, but through it all we can see the joy of following what Heavenly Father wants us to do, and it has blessed our lives so much! I’m so proud of how hard Derek works to keep good grades and provide for our family.

In July we moved from Bloomington over to Washington. Not too far, but it was a good move for us financially. This was the first move of many for our family. I’m certain I will never get used to it!

As for myself, I started working from home off of my computer in the mornings for my brothers. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families who help us anyway they can. This has really helped so that Derek can focus on school completely.

We are very excited to announce that we are expecting a baby girl due March 29th. We are thrilled to have one of each in our home. Her name is Eden Marie Bradley. I know Kael will be an amazing big brother.

Kael has been doing his job of growing every day! He is such a joy and radiates his love in our home! If anyone needs a smile feel welcome at our home and this boy will cheer you up! As of Christmas he will be 16 ½ months old. He started walking consistently at 15 months and started running around the next day. He loves his Dad and they are best friends. If Kael ever gets sad, just show him a picture of his Dad and a smile instantly comes on his face. Kael has been watching Signing Time and can now sign several words: eat, apple, banana, grass, tree, dad, up, all done, airplane, and milk. He can say a few words as well, such as dad, up, ball, bubble, thank you, apple, and all done. However, they sound more like da, uh, eh, and ah done. We love him more and more each day and he continues to surprise us.

We are so grateful for all of our friends and family! We love and miss you all so much! We think of you often and pray for your well being. We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Bradley Family
Derek, Sharice, Kael, and baby Eden

Friday, December 18, 2009

Another Invitation to Interview

January 28th

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Tree, The Hair Cut, and The Boy

It doesn't look like much got cut off, but it feels short to me! I love it so far!

Friday, November 27, 2009


The Feast

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We stayed home this year with Derek's parents being at his sister's house in Draper and my parents on their mission. Derek recently started a diet where he isn't allowed starch and only certain proteins. It is brutal, but he has been working so hard on it that we decided to have him stay on it for Thanksgiving. We still had an amazing feast!

Derek is allowed to eat lobster and crab, which under normal circumstances is a bit expensive for us, but we decided that since this is our big meal we could splurge just a little.

So on the menu for Derek was lobster, crab, and asparagus. For Sharice and Kael we had crab, stuffing, corn on the cob, and mashed potatoes.

It turned out delicious! Derek cooked most of the food while I took care of Kael AND he did most of the dishes! I felt so blessed! We also had a reason to finally drink out of the crystal Derek got off of his mission. It was so much fun to get fancy at our home.

We were able to visit Derek's great Grandma (Great Bea) and got surprised to also get to visit with Derek's Uncle Steve and Aunt Silvia. It was wonderful to be able to at least see some family and really completed my day! Kael and I visited her a couple days before as well and we got a video of Great Bea giving Kael a ride on her walker. Kael LOVED it and Great Bea had a good time too I think.

Derek and I are so grateful for all of our friends and family. We love and miss you all and hope to be able to see you all soon!

Friday, November 06, 2009


I have never been a great cook. I can handle that. I finally am venturing out into the cooking world and trying NEW things. Crazy. Yes. Why? Because I'm terrified of ruining a meal, wasting money, and NOT wanting to eat it.
Who can go wrong with chocolate covered strawberries and carmel apples? If I can do it, it must be easy! The best part! SO DELICIOUS! I LOVE this time of year of good foods and fun deserts!

Monday, November 02, 2009

October Videos of Kael

Kael Dancing to "The Dog Song".

Kael walking.

This was the best video we could get and we had to distract him with a Brittney Spears song. Crazy I know, but it worked! He can take more steps than this, but this is what we were able to video.


Goodbye October

The Bumble Bee

The Pumpkin
Kael learned how to ring a door bell just for Halloween. I didn't expect him to ring it 6 times in a row... He didn't know what to think about everyone being dressed up. We had a great time taking Kael around and eating chili and breadsticks and watching Garfield's Halloween.

Also... I REALLY DISLIKE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS... It does not mix with a little boy who is on a schedule... I totally forgot about it. Good thing it was fall back at least...

Friday, October 23, 2009


Eden Marie Bradley

Our sweet baby girl was being very lady like and kept her legs crossed throughout the ENTIRE ultrasound. Finally I got up and went to the bathroom and she decided she wanted us to meet her properly right before we were done. Her new due date is March 29, 2010. Closer to what I thought it was. I'm officially getting nervous now! Hope you enjoy the pictures and if you want to compare to Kael's ultrasound boy picture go to the archives to March 08 because I don't know how to make that a link.
PS: This is the first time I have EVER guessed correctly for a baby to be a boy or girl.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Virginia Commonwealth Interview Update

For those who don't know Derek's school schedule it is a bit crazy and to have to take time off for interviews has been a challenge. Derek had to miss a bunch of classes on Monday to try to make a flight in Las Vegas. He got to the airport in good time and we booked the flight we did so that Derek could get to Richmond and stay the night in a hotel before he had to interview the next day.

It was a nice plan... Unfortunately it didn't work out how we expected.

His flight at the Las Vegas airport ended up being over 3 hours DELAYED!

Yup he missed the connecting flight in DC.

We really are NOT fans of the Las Vegas airport... And United and Delta Flights either...

By the time he got to DC it was really late. Derek called and canceled his hotel in Richmond (which was a hassle because we did it through priceline and he couldn't just cancel through the hotel) and the airport put him up in a hotel by the airport in DC. The next flight to Richmond wasn't until 8 am Eastern time.... What time is that in Utah time??? 6 am.... So Derek gets to his hotel around 11 pm UTAH time and has to get up at 3 am Utah time to make it to the airport for his next flight... So much for a good nights sleep...

Derek made it to the school an 2 hours EARLY, which we were trying to avoid, but oh well...

They had a really LONG tour of the school at 11 am and then Derek's interview was at 2 oclock. It was an hour long. He said he thought it went pretty good, but that he felt the U of U interview had seemed more comfortable. Overall he thinks what options VCU has to offer their students were really good and he really liked their curriculum.

He was able to ask LOTS of questions again. Then immediately following his interview it was off to the airport AGAIN.

The flight home was a lot better. The only bad part was another delay except luckily it was on the last stretch from North Carolina to Las Vegas, and it was only an hour this time. He didn't get to the Las Vegas airport until 11 oclock Utah time and then he still had the 2 hour drive home.

I don't even know when he made it home because I was so exhausted from just hearing all this news!

Now Derek is back to a full day of school and homework. He has a short break this afternoon for study time then back to class by 5 pm...

I already feel like the wife of a medical student. Let's just say I'll be happy for Friday at 2 PM for our ultrasound and then THE WEEKEND! Yes, it will be full of tests and studying, but at least he will be at HOME! =)

Monday, October 19, 2009

First Moments

I have been thinking a lot today being home with my baby like any other day, however it is special to me.

I remembered a lot of first moments that make me laugh, smile, and want to shed a tear even...

The first moment I found out that I could be a mom I knew that I would someday have a baby in my arms and that I wanted one so badly every day from that point, and now I have Kael to hold every day.

The first moment I found out that I needed a man to have that baby I knew I wanted a husband more than anything! (Not just for the baby..)

The first moment I laid eyes on Derek I knew that he needed to be in my life. (Didn't know I would fall madly in love with him and want to spend eternity with him at this point yet, but I KNEW he needed to be in my life.)

The first moment I laid eyes on Kael I knew that I would be with him forever, and that he was the baby I dreamed about so long ago.

The moment I told Derek I would marry him was the day I knew that he was the man I dreamed about so long ago as well...

So, right now as I'm worried because Derek's flight to DC was delayed an hour and he only had a 45 min lay over before his flight to Virginia I know that worrying won't do me any good, and that he will be able to make it to his interview, I'm glad I have these wonderful memories and my beautiful baby to keep me company. I'm so grateful to Derek for wanting to be a doctor to serve people, and to provide for our family.

I'm excited for the crazy road ahead of us and I thank my Heavenly Father at night for making my dreams come true!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October Kael

Video of Kael's Halloween Costume for Grandma and Grandpa Heaton on their mission!Derek and I got Kael a bumble bee costume from Wal-Mart for his Halloween costume. We were a little nervous that he wouldn't like the hood and would throw a tantrum and not wear it, but we got it anyway... I really wanted to see if it would fit ok before the big night, so I had him try it on. Well turns out that he LOVED it! He loved it so much that when it was time to take it off he got so upset and THEN threw the tantrum... Luckily he doesn't have big tantrums and got over it quick as soon as the costume was out of sight and out of mind. He is so silly...
Here are some pictures of my silly boy during October. He makes me smile every day! Every time I take the camera out in hopes of one good picture he gets super excited to see the camera and chases after me to grab it, so I am lucky to get ANY pictures! =) Gotta love this little boy!

Kael LOVES outside time! He would stay out there all day if I let him! I can't get any good videos of him walking yet, however here is Kael standing on his own!

University of Utah Update

Kael and Grandma and Grandpa Bradley
Michael (Derek's cousin), Grandma Bradley, Aunt Lori, Kael, Grandpa Bradley, Cousin Todd

Derek has got one interview out of the way! YAY! We drove up to Draper Utah which is on the outskirts of Salt Lake City on Friday night. We stayed with Derek's sister's family that just moved up there. It was a real fun visit! On Sunday we visited Derek's Grandma and Grandpa Bradley. Kael has so many wonderful Great Grandparents! This is so neat for me to be able to introduce him to all of them! I think I have one picture with me and one set of my great grandparents when I was a baby and I want Kael to get as much time as he can!
Derek had his interview on Monday at the U. All weekend we reviewed any and all questions he might be asked in hopes that he would be prepared! I think he did a great job preparing and I think he did a GREAT job interviewing! The first interviewer was a neuro surgeon. Derek said he was all interview and no conversation, which was ok and went well. The second interviewer was a lady emergency room physician. Derek said this interview was more conversation and less interview style, which is definately more comfortable! He was able to ask 2nd year medical students questions, and recieved lots of good advice! We won't be finding out if he is accepted to the U until March because they don't do rolling admissions, so we will just have to wait and see!
Overall I think the trip was a success, however we will find out in MARCH!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Baby #2 Ultrasound Scheduled

I had my doctor's appointment today. All is well and the ultra sound is scheduled for October 23rd at 2 PM.

I want to know what you guys think if it is a boy or a girl, so EVERYONE vote! =)

PS. Did I want to mention how much I LOVE my neighborhood! I have the coolest neighbors and there are kids all over, and over 50% of the houses are decorated for Halloween, and I feel safe here and Kael loves seeing all the kids playing outside! I love you neighborhood! Thank you for being awesome!

14 Month Kael

My baby is 14 months today! I can't believe how fast time has flown. The next time I blink he'll be starting school, so I'm going to just keep my eyes straight open from here on out! =) The little boy is getting so big!

Kael is his own person. He loves to explore new places as well as very familiar ones to get to know them better! He is always on an adventure! He loves to inspect the carpet and find little tiny specs of left over food or whatever is laying on my gross carpet. Then he eitehr tries to show it to me and get rid of it or he tries to eat it...

Kael LOVES to put rocks in his mouth. He is such a little boy! He is ALWAYS getting dirty and LOVES it. He is getting better at spitting the rocks out when mom tells him to.

Kael has said quite a few words, but then just stops after a while. He has his own language. I call it gobble dee gook... It sounds like a mixture of goblin and babble... =) He says da da ALL the time. If he ever gets hurt the best way to calm him down is to pick him up and show him a picture of his dad. He starts pointing and smiling and saying da da, and in half a second life is better because he sees his dad! They are BEST BUDS!

He said Bye for the first time just a couple of days ago when Derek was leaving for school. He waves hello and goodbye now. He says mom when he is sad, sick, or just doesn't feel good. He can also say ball, balloon, bubble, and dog.

He is learning how to sign as well. He has been able to sign dog forever now because he loves animals just like his dad. Every time we go to Derek's parents house he chases the poor dogs around and tries to cling on to them. He LOVES animals. He can also sign more and milk. We are working on more and he is really getting into it now.

He watches your baby can read, and is really doing well. He has parts memorized and starts clapping or waving before the word comes on. He gets so proud of himself he starts clapping for himself before mom or dad can. It is cute!

He is finally getting the hang of walking. Slowly but surely in his own time he will take off. He takes 3 or 4 steps here and there ALL the time and has three or four times gone about 10 steps. It has been amazing to watch and puts a smile on my face every time!

Kael LOVES food! He eats nonstop! He would constantly be shoving food in his mouth if it was right there. His favorite food is fruit right now. He loves eating grapes, apples, bananas, and his absolute favorite is strawberries like his mom. He even ate a whole grapefruit once, but after that diaper I haven't given him any since.

He is so easy to put down for a nap. I lay him in his crip and say goodnight and in a few minutes he is out. He takes 2 naps a day. One about 10 am for 30 min - 1 hr and then one at 2 pm for and hour or two. I feel VERY blessed! He is such a good baby! He goes to bed at 7 and gets up at 7.

He loves his pacifier. He can go all day without it, but not when he sleeps. If he finds it laying around though he pops it in his mouth like his mom did when she was a kid. We are working hard at keeping it in his crib so he only needs it to sleep...

Kael also loves outside time. Now that it is finally cooling off a little we spend as much time outside as possible. He is finally learning that he is not allowd in the road, however I let him crawl on the sidewalk once by me and now he starts crawling down the side walk and I really have to keep two eyes on the kid. He is always trying to escape outside now.

I find joy in this amazing boy every day! He amazes me every day! I know I'm going to love this next baby so much, but Kael will always be the first. He is going to be such a great big brother! He loves people! He loves just sitting outside watching the kids playing down the road. I'm glad we are able to have another child for him to have a friend. He is so social and I can't wait to see my children playing together.

Love you Kael! You are amazing and I'm so excited that I get to see you growing every single day!
Love, Mom

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another Interview Scheduled!!!!!

Where will Derek be interviewing on October 12, 2009?????

Monday, September 21, 2009


Derek got his first interview scheduled for October 20th at 2:00!


Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond Virginia.

We are THRILLED to have an interview!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Belly Shot

I know I am REALLY small HOWEVER, looking back at pictures when I was pregnant with Kael I have seen that I am already double the size I was at this time when I was pregnant with Kael. I know everyone says that your stomach has already been stretched out so you show sooner after your first baby, but it was just really shocking to see the truth in it!

When I was pregnant with Kael I kept thinking "I can't wait to have a cute belly so everyone can see that I'm pregnant". How lame was I.... Being big is NOT fun or cute! Well on other people it is.

So this time around I keep thinking please stay small for as long as possible, and it just isn't happening! I am a constant stomach sleeper! I HAVE to lay on my stomach to fall asleep, so as soon as the belly gets big, good bye wonderful sleep... AND it's already begun to make me uncomfortable on my belly....

So, please belly STAY SMALL for as long as possible!
Before (Kael 14 weeks)After (Baby #2 about 12 1/2 wks)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Phoenix Trip

Phoenix September 2009
Uncle Josh, Derek, Sharice, and Kael at Grandma and Grandad Sapp's house.

For Labor Day weekend we took a trip to Phoenix for my new niece Cassandra's baby blessing and to spend some time with my Grandparents! It was a lot of fun and it was nice to get away for a while because none of our trips this summer worked out....

The trip started out pretty good. We left after Kael's nap at 3 oclock on Friday and headed to Arizona. We stopped at Jacob Lake for Kael to get out and stretch and eat dinner at 5. He met a little boy who was about 9 months old who was HUGE! He was twice the size of Kael and could barely crawl at all, but this little boy thought Kael was SO COOL. He followed Kael around and they had a GREAT time! It was really cute! Of course I had to forget my camera so I didn't get any pictures.

So, we get back in the car and get situated and headed off down the road. Unfortunately I didn't pay much attention to where we were going and we ended up at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon entrance. We wondered why the forest looked so different... I was SO embarrassed and SO upset with myself because we had Kael in the car and it added an extra 1 1/2 to the already 7- hour drive! Arghh...

We turned around and Kael was SO GOOD on the trip! I'm so grateful for TV's in the car and modern technology! He was able to watch Finding Nemo and other neat shows to keep him occupied and had his Uncle Josh in the back with him to keep him company. We got back to Jacob Lake and changed Kael's diaper and headed off again. Thank goodness it was bedtime by this point so we were able to make some pretty good time.

We stopped in Flagstaff at 9:30 to get some dinner at McDonald's. Kael woke up and was interested in everything going on.

We got to my sister Shannon's house in Phoenix at around 11:30 that night. So, a trip that takes around 7 hours without kids and stopping took us with a detour and a 13 month old about 8 1/2 hours. Not too bad I'd say! Although it was the LONGEST trip to Phoenix I ever made.

We forgot how HOT Phoenix was, but the weather was good to us on Saturday. We were able to experience some fantastic Phoenix desert rain in the morning! I LOVE desert rain! It smells so good!

My Grandma took my sister Shannon and I out for a girls lunch and shopping with NO kids! Thanks boys for watching the kids!!! ;) I thought I was going to take Kael with me, so my grandma could see him, but it fell about nap time, so I didn't take him. I did however take the diaper bag with me that had the wipes, diapers, and the ONE pacifier we brought with us. As soon as we got to the Olive Garden I got a call from Derek and found out my little mistake... Thank goodness Shannon had a spare pacifier that they give you at the hospital and all turned out well. Derek handled it GREAT! My grandma took us shopping too, which was a TON of fun!

Girls Lunch
On Sunday we had breakfast at my Grandparents and then went to the blessing. It was a lot of fun! I of course forgot to bring snacks with me and it was Kael's lunch time, so I paid for it. Thanks Shannon for being a prepared Mom and helping me out!

The Blessing

Grandma and Grandad with Kael

We then went to visit with my grandparents some more and had a really great visit! We had so much fun! We drove home early Monday morning and it seemed that all my forgetfulness had gone away and we had a successful and happy trip home! I sure had a hard time remembering things on this trip! Thanks for the fun times Shannon and Grandma and Grandad! We love and miss you already!

Nursing Covers

This was posted on a blog (Thanks Brittany), so I figure I will post it too and pass on the favor!

I just bought a nursing cover for $8.95 TOTAL! I haven't seen any cheaper than $30 and I can't make one for myself, so I bought it! These are usually $32 regular price plus shipping, but the deal gives you them free and all you pay is the $8.95 shipping! They are on back order until Sep. 25th. If you already have one they work great as baby shower gifts as well!

Select the one you want, enter the code: Chatter or cushy2

I used chatter and it really worked! This is the one I got.


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Heart Beat

I had my first doctors appointment today. I went in not thinking I'd be able to hear a heart beat, but we had success!!! The doctor thinks I am further along than we both thought, and he put my due date at March 20th for now. We'll get a better date at the ultra sound at 20 weeks.

It was just really exciting because I went in with no expectations and left feeling like this is really going to happen! Hearing the heart beat made it so much more real (not that being sick hasn't).

Also, I didn't get sick or pass out after having my blood drawn! I know it is rediculous because I used to draw people's blood all the time, but I was way proud of myself! However, I can see the beginnings of a nice BIG bruise coming... Oh well.

SO I'm getting excited to meet you baby #2, but take your time getting here! Please!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lots of Updates

I have been saving a lot of pictures to post. I have not really had a desire to update the blog very much, but here is my attempt.

I can't believe Kael is a year old! This last year went by so quickly! He is getting into everything and sometimes it is just really funny and at other times I want to pull my hair out having to pick up another mess! I'm sure loving it though and the boy makes me smile every day!

Exercise? I don't know how he got up there, but he didn't know how to get down...

I love this cheesy smile with his teeth!

House Pictures

We have been in our house since the beginning of July and we love it! It has been so much fun! We still are trying to get some more family pictures up on the walls, but here is some of the decorating we have done. Hopefully we get the last pictures up before we have to move again in a year. I can't believe we are going to be moving again so soon. We are getting excited though!
Derek has gotten secondaries filled out and we are just waiting on hearing about interviews for medical school now! We will keep you all posted when we hear more!

Heaton Cousins

Over a week ago I got to watch my nieces and nephew! We had so much fun and Kael LOVED having kids to play with! When the boys took naps I got to paint the girls nails and they got ring pops as a treat. I love boys, but it was fun to play with the girls! Love my nieces! Baby Daniel is getting so big and it really made me nervous and excited for a new baby coming! I'm just glad I have a few months still!
Can't wait to watch these Heaton kids again! This is an open invitation for kids to come play at our house anytime!

This one is blurry, but Kael was actually playing with the kids and I loved it!