Friday, September 20, 2013

Letter to a flying plane...

Dear Derek,

You are on your way home! Yay! You should have been here by now, but your flight was delayed. Of course. I am so anxious to meet you. I feel like I could just snap! I'm so glad the kids are all napping. This quiet moment before the storm! The kids are just as excited to see you. We have missed your smiling face so much! Be prepared to be completely smothered with love when you get here. Home has been missing a piece of our hearts and we are ready to have it complete again. We all love you so much!

Welcome HOME!!!

Your patient, but not really, family!

She climbed in all by herself. Good job Elara you little monkey!
 Best Friends
Evelyn and Elara

 Finally! Nothing makes them take a better nap then sleeping in Mom and Dad's bed.

 Nothing was waking up the big kids. Not even Elara squawking at them... She was too cute not to take a picture of.
AND... Elara's first pony tail. It looks ridiculous, but man I'm excited to start doing her hair just like Eden's! I keep chanting, grow, grow, grow!!! YAY for a pony!

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