Monday, February 04, 2013

Oh, what do we do in the winter time, when all the world has SNOW!?!

January seemed like such a long month. We had to try to find ways to keep ourselves entertained a lot...
Back in December when we visited Grandma and Grandpa, Kael dug for worms in the garden, and surprisingly found a few. We reluctantly let him bring them home and kept them in the fridge in some dirt. I totally forgot about them for a while until I opened the sour cream container thinking it was sour cream and what did I find?.... Yup... Kael never forgot and has been asking to play with his worms a lot.

About 5 or 6 times in January those worms have come in useful and kept Kael occupied in the bathtub for about an hour at a time. Somehow, I don't know how, the worms lived through this ordeal. Until recently. The last time he got them out I'm pretty for certain they are dead now. I can't say how grateful I am I let him keep them. He sure loves his worms... And, it was a great way to keep the kids entertained for a while.

Oh worms.......

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