Monday, February 04, 2013

Elara is 4 months!

Seriously, I am a slacker! I took these photos right around the 4 month mark. I had high hopes for getting pictures right on the 25th, and then it turned out to be a miserable day, so it just didn't happen. But, I got her smiling and I'm happy with them. These pictures really show Elara's personality I think. She is so happy like Kael was at this age. She is always doing the huge open mouth smiles, and just being happy! The poor girl has eczema all over her tummy, neck, and arms. It makes me feel horrible! No baby this happy should have to put up with that crud!
Things to remember about our little Elara princess.

She SLEEPS at night! I can feed her around 6 to 8 and she will sleep anywhere until 3 to 6 am... She has gone 11 hours once, but mostly close to 8 hours on average. She does have about one bad night a week where she will get up at 2ish or so, but I don't mind because for the most part she sleeps. I struggled with Kael and Eden to get them to sleep at night forever, and I feel so blessed by this angel baby!

Elara is genuinely happy! She wakes up in the morning cooing. I go in and she looks up at me and starts cooing, smiling, laughing, and just loves life. It is an incredible feeling, and is a great way to start my day. It puts a smile on my face every morning!

She is in 3-6 month clothes right around the 4 month mark, but I maybe waited too long because they are already seeming kind of small. She is definitely out of the 0-3 month. Sad day...

She is in size 2 diapers.

She can roll over from tummy to back, but only when she chooses to. Some days I can't get her to roll over at all, and others I walk in and she has just flipped. It's random.

Elara doesn't get the whole pacifier thing. Sometimes I try and get her to suck on one and she just chomps on it, then goes for her fingers instead.

She laughs when Kael and Eden try to entertain her. It makes me smile every time.

I feed her about every 3 hours during the day.

She likes to be held, but puts up with being neglected because she is #3. She is such a good baby though, so I try to hold her when I can just because she will smile for me and snuggle me.

Her laugh is the cutest thing ever. She is ticklish on her neck and tummy. Derek is a lot better at tickling her than I am though. She LOVES her Daddy and smiles when he walks in the door.

4 month stats from the doctor:

weight: 13 lbs 1 oz (26%)
height: 24.4 inch (45%)
Head circumference: 16.5 inch (85%)

Weight percentage is about the same, but length wise she has grown a lot, like 3 inches in 2 months! And, she still has a big head, that is just getting bigger. :)

She screamed so loud when she got her shots and was so mad. I felt horrible. You could tell she didn't feel well for the next couple of days, but she still tried to smile and be a pleasant baby.

Love this little girl so much! She has added so much joy to our family. Almost every day Kael goes right up to her face and says, "Oh Elara Jane, I love you so much!" "I like you, I like you". Then, Eden tells me all the time, "Mom Elara's my best friend, we are sisters, I love her!"

Then Eden tells me, "Mom, I'm a big sister, you are a little sister like Elara". I had to explain that I was a little sister and Aunt Shelly and Aunt Shannon were my big sisters just like Eden is Elara's big sister. She seemed to really like that.

We love you Elara! You are one amazing girl! Thanks for your smiles and being who you are!


1 comment:

Jon, Janice, Kaylee, & Regan said...

She melts my heart. SWOON. Love her (well all your kiddos really)so much!