Time sure flies when you are having fun. That is the best expression I can think of for raising kids. I can't believe that Kael is 2 years and 5 months old. Where did my baby boy go? I look at pictures of when he was a baby and think of how much he has grown and changed and I can't believe that I have been the person right beside him the entire way.
We have been working hard with Kael's speech. I am very impressed with how quickly he is learning. I cut back on my work hours back in November and only work about an hour a day now instead of 4. I think this has helped Kael the most. If you know Kael, you know that he goes 1000 miles per hour every second until his eyes are closed and he is laying asleep in his crib. I think this mileage is going to continue until his body is whithered an old around 100. ;) He certainly keeps me on my toes, and teaches me to enjoy every second of life.
I'm so grateful to my brothers for the job they have provided me and let me work as I can. I have been so blessed and it has taken a huge burden off of my life to not have to stress about going somewhere to work and having a babysitter. I don't think that I thank them enough, but they deserve more than I can give them. I love being able to be at home with my kids. It is the most rewarding experience in my life to see them grow every day.
Back to Kael.
He now says so many words. We have worked with animal names and the sounds they make. He has mastered farm animals. He can count with me to 10. He can say letter names. He knows his body parts. He loves to draw circles, but his new favorite shape for mom to draw is a STAR. We have cut back on TV a TON. He now watches a 30 minute show once a day and is allowed 30 minutes of sesame street on the computer. This is average so days when someone named Eden decides not to sleep at night, I usually cave and let him watch something longer in the morning. This has helped Kael's attention span so much! He still throws a lot of tantrums, but with his communication getting better, and not so wired to the tv, life is so much better! Now if the blasted snow would melt for a couple of days I could get him outside more. He would play in the snow every day, but I am already getting tired of how long it takes to get dressed and undressed to go outside. I'm not complaining promise, I still like the snow.
Kael loves talking to his grandparents on the telephone. He loves talking to anyone on the phone actually. He loves to play with the cars he got for Christmas. He loves to tickle and be tickled. His new love before bedtime is being shot to the moon, or going to Albequerque (sp?). Basically launched into the air onto the couch... Kael gives the sweetest kisses on the cheek and loves to hug and cuddle.
His new obsession is hugging EVERYONE. He really is the kindest, most loving spirit I know. He teaches me unconditional love every day.
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