Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Bit About Kael

So, Kael has been learning so much lately and is turning into quite the silly boy. The other day I was on the computer and he was sitting on my lap. We started having a staring contest. I had a very serious face on I guess because Kael looked at me with a big grin then all of a sudden changed into the most serious face he has ever made. He just stared at me until I couldn't help but to laugh. Then he burst into a hysterical laugh himself. Then we just did this over and over. He waited for me to laugh most of the time, but then it just became ridiculous. He always knows how to make me laugh or smile. He is so sweet.

He has been watching a lot of seseme street lately and is allowed to play games on the internet. He is now able to count to 10 with help and can recognize the numbers. He also can say most of the alphabet with help and can recognize about 10 of the letters. It is pretty awesome. Whenever he wants to play a seseme street game on the computer he comes over and says "Melmo." For Elmo. His vocabulary is picking up so much every day.

He also loves his Buzz Lightyear he got for Christmas. Sometimes he goes around and shows us his Buzz and says it "Buuuuu" Can't quite get the z part yet, but man he is getting good. He still has his own little language when he can't speak fast enough, but slowly he is putting words together. He can now say things like "Help please." "More please". He really is quite the little gentleman using manners saying thank you and please. He also is super great at sharing his toys with friends.

He impresses me more and more every day.

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