Saturday, January 15, 2011

Big Boy Bed

That's right folks, Kael is officially in a big boy bed. We kept him in his crib for as long as possible. He climbed out of his crib a total of 5 times in the last 6 months and never got hurt, so we decided to keep him in it as long as possible. About 3 nights ago Kael had the urge to climb out of it 5 times in one night. About 4 times before he fell asleep and then once at 3 am. I was feeding Eden on the couch in the living room at 3 am and heard a door knocking. I figured it was Kael, and then all of a sudden his little face peered around the corner and scared me to death. This was my determining factor. He had never climbed out of his crib in the middle of the night.

The first night in his big boy bed was an adventure for sure. He kept getting out and playing about 3 times before he stayed in bed. He goes to bed at 7 and surprisingly he was asleep by 8. I thought not bad for his first time. He woke up screaming 3 times in the middle of the night. I think he either wasn't sure where he was, or was afraid he was going to fall out of bed. He calmed down each time and one time I even laid by him for a while.

Nap time was a different story. His room was still bright so he thought he could play. I think I put him back in bed about 5 times. Time out twice. Then finally slept by him on his bed in a death grip until he fell asleep an hour after nap time was suppose to happen. Grrr. We will see how today's nap goes.

Last night wasn't too bad except one of the times I told him to go back to bed through the door and he ran in the dark into his bed. He finally went to sleep after that happened. It was a little sad, but mostly funny.

So, here we go big boy Kael! Crazy.

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