Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eden's Favorite Thing To Say

I a big girl! I can do it myyyyyself! Don't help me!

I was right... This new sister has rocked your world. You love Elara sooo much. You are so happy she is here. I have a feeling that you feel a bit neglected and you are probably right. It is a good thing Kael has school 4 days a week now so that we get some us time in. On top of the new baby you are sick. Kael was sick last week and this week it is your turn. You handle being sick over all so much better than Kael. He whines. A lot. All day. You on the other hand, play and have fun, but you have melt downs. And I feel horrible making you help me take Kael to school. And because I have to carry Elara in the car seat I can't carry you, so I make you walk, sick, not feeling good to do something you don't want to do... You are a trooper though. And even though I'm short tempered because of my lack of sleep you put up with me and I put up with you. You have started telling me I'm your best friend. I love it. Kael says it all the time and I know he loves me, but for some reason hearing you say you like me and I'm your friend melts my heart. I hope you still like me when you are a teenager even though I know at times I'll make you mad, or you won't like me or what I say. I'm going to treasure right now where I'm your best friend. Thanks for the snuggles in the morning and always know you are MY best friend and I love your guts little "big"girl!
Keep up the good work potty training. You still have accidents, but I know you are trying. You can do hard things and I'm proud of you!

Love you always,

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