Friday, March 11, 2011

A No Good Very Sad Trip To The Dentist

First off. Shell, who does he look like?
Kael was pestering me while I was getting dressed the other morning, and I found my old glasses that I never wear and it kept him occupied just long enough. Disaster averted! Yes!

Look at those beautiful teeth.

Turns out. Not so beautiful. Cavities. More than one.
Yes. My boy has cavities. Argh.
I decided I should maybe take him in to just get a cleaning or check up. I know he's only 2, but I really hate cavities and I want to be a good preventative mom. Weird enough the dentist didn't clean his teeth at all. Nope. He spent a grand total of 40 seconds looking in his mouth. Popped his head up and said, "He has at least 2 cavities and we'll have to put him under to fix them." And then he just throws in..."Oh and he still has about 4 teeth to come in sometime." I was in shock. Literally. Shock. Didn't know what to say.
I mean I don't let the boy drink juice or milk in bed. I brush his teeth every night. I slack in the mornings, but hey they are getting brushed.
So, in a week my little boy is going under. I figure better to get it fixed now and prevent bad cavities. I think I'm going to totally eliminate juice and never let him eat candy ever again, not that he has eaten that much anyway. I'm the mean mom that doesn't let him eat candy. :( At least I know the kid is probably prone to get cavities now and I can take action.
Mom's. I do suggest dental check ups because this stinks.
That's all I have to say for now.
Oh and my title should have said "A no good very sad trip to the dentist for mom", all because Kael thought it was tons of fun. I didn't.


Trav and Amanda said...

Oh no what a bummer! Hey if it makes you feel any better I'm crazy about my teeth- I mean brush after every meal kind of a gal - and I STILL get cavities!

Gilly said...

Sometimes I wonder which is worse, going to a dentist or car mechanic. They both don't always tell the truth...

Shannon said...

I agree with Josh. I think I'd switch dentists if he didn't even clean his teeth or get x-rays before he told you he had cavities.