Sunday, August 08, 2010

It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

Kael woke up sick on Saturday when we were suppose to go to the zoo. So, his big party plans got changed. We ended up skipping the zoo. Kael still had TONS of fun. He loved every part about his day, other than being sick and tired. The poor guy had a fever. We went to Derek's parent's house and spent the day there. We tried to keep everything very minimal so that he didn't over do it. He loved seeing all of the balloons. Derek made a fabulous lunch. Kael was too sick though and didn't even touch his food. He was so tired from not having a morning nap that he went straight to bed after lunch. So, that means he didn't get to go swimming either. Two strike outs in one day... Don't let it get you down though he still had a great time! When Kael woke up from his 2 hour nap he was so so sad. You could just tell he was sick because he wouldn't even take his juice, which he could drink all day long. When he started feeling a bit better we decided to have him open presents. WOW! This kid is spoiled. He LOVED all of his presents and opening them. It was so hard to decide which toy to play with. We even saved a few for home. Then we had brownies and ice cream and he loved getting sung to and loved watching mom and dad blow out the candles so much that we sang about 3 times. Then he got to play with his new toys with his cousins. He had a BLAST!

The Birthday Boy
Balloons are his favorite!

Table, big ball, bowling pins, Elmo telephone, and in the unopened presents were a race car toy from Aunt Shelly and a Thomas Train flashlight. He also got a super cute new outfit. All in all, the boy was spoiled. :)

WE LOVE YOU KAEL! Thanks for 2 amazing years!

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