Saturday, August 28, 2010

Catch Up

I have a few posts to catch up on. August has been a busy month for us. Kael's birthday, Uncle Steve visiting us, Derek's school starting, and what this post is about Aunt Shelly visiting us coming all the way from Tennessee. Yes, Shell is crazy, but if she wasn't I wouldn't have seen her this August. Thanks for a fun visit.
Shell came with her two boys and left Miss Megan home with her Dad. We first all got together at Jerris' house for pizza and fun. It was a great chance for the kids to play and a little wii action as well.
The next we took the kids to the zoo. I of course didn't bring my camera again... However there really are only so many zoo pictures needed I think. I have been LOVING my year pass. I've probably almost paid it off by how often we've gone.
That night Shell took Jill and I to dinner to celebrate Jill's birthday. It was a lot of fun, and just us girls, and Eden too of course.
Thanks for a fun visit Shell. Here are the few pictures I got of the visit, and they were all at Jerris' house.

Cousins playing.

Adults playing too.



Derek and Eden


More playing.

1 comment:

Jerris Heaton said...

We really enjoyed your company. Hope to see you around.