Monday, July 19, 2010

Air Force and Ward Update

Derek got the main application in for the airforce. It was pretty intensive. He had to have tons of references and write lots of essays. We are now waiting to hear back from the recruiter to see if he needs any additional information, and we are trying to get some medical information for them too. We should hopefully know if he gets the scholarship in October. So, we are back to waiting. I think we are getting pretty good at being patient. Don’t get me wrong, I would rather a trial in patience than some medical injury or something weird like that. J Yay for one more step in this long process being done.

We are really liking our ward so far. Everyone is very motivated, prepared, and hard workers. The bishop is the CEO of cafĂ© rio, so I’m hoping for some yummy benefits from that someday in the future! ;) Everyone is very friendly, and everyone knows everyone. I’ve had several people already introduce themselves to me just walking to do laundry. I think this will be a good set up once I become a medical student’s wife, to help keep me sane. Overall, I am feeling that our family is very blessed. We have been guided where we need to be and I know we are doing what we are supposed to. I’m really enjoying having Derek here all day long. He is always running errands and keeping busy. It is going to be really hard when he has to start school in August. Anyone want to join my lonely wives club in August? ;)

1 comment:

Wayne and Melinda said...

Love the way to decorated your kids rooms!! It's so cute!! You have such a beautiful little family:) And Yes, I would love to join the lonely wives club ;) Some one told me that I was like a chiropractic student's widow. It's hard when school is so intense that they aren't home that often, but so worth it!!