Monday, February 03, 2014

Heber Creeper

 We went with some friends to the Heber Valley Railroad aka "The Heber Creeper". They had a huge discount for family night, so this was our family home evening. We sure had a blast! I highly recommend this to anyone in the area! The kids loved seeing the real polar express like train! They had their tickets to give the conductor and were so excited, especially since they got to stay up late past their bedtimes. It was about a 45 minute drive to Heber and the train took off at 7 and came back at 8:30. So, we didn't get home until about 9. Elara wasn't feeling the best and was just awesome the whole time. I was so shocked! The kids got to eat popcorn, have hot chocolate, and they had dancing and singing. 
Waiting for the train ride. They told us to be 45 minutes early, which in reality was dumb, but we still had fun.

 They had their tickets and were waiting to get on board.

 Our family about to board the train.

 They said it was cold on the train so we bundled up, but it was quite warm and we had far too much stuff on us. It was just fun to be all cozy together.
Kael and Eden had to keep rotating who sat by our friends the Naylor's. If we were going to be here another year we would definitely do this again!

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