So in July I believe I wrote a post about locking myself and Kael out of the house for about 30 minutes and had to have campus security come and let us in, and the whole while Eden was screaming inside. Yes. I locked myself out of my house.
Today, I am writing about getting locked IN. I decided yesterday around 4ish that my carpets were in desperate need of being vacumed. So, I went to grab the vacuum out of the front closet and when I opened the door it was trapped with fallen tubs. We no longer have a garage, so all of our storage tubs are shoved in all of our closets. The tubs were all out of disarray and I just couldn't stand for that when I couldn't get to my vacuum, so a huge project came under way.
I began taking out all the tubs and rearranging, and was rather pleased with myself. I only had a few more things to arrange when Kael decided he needed to come close himself in the closet like he does quite often. There is no light switch in the closet and Kael likes to hide in the dark. I finished my organizing and went to open the door and to my astonishment it wouldn't turn at all! There isn't a lock on this door, so I couldn't understand why it wouldn't open.
First thought ok maybe I'm just stupid and can't open a door.
Third thought. Derek is at school and won't be home for at least an hour... Eden is in her crib suppose to wake up starving about hmmm NOW, and at least Kael is having a good time, and my phone is a foot away on my computer desk... Why isn't that in my pocket?....
Fourth thought. I need to get out of here.
Fifth thought. Stomp up and down and maybe the people in the apartment below will be mad and come up to see what's up. Dumb idea, but I'm going to try it.
Stomp Stomp Stomp...
Sixth thought. I'm panicking. Yes. Scream for help! Maybe someone will come in the stairwell and hear me.
HELP HELP HELP. (Yes, I can admit it I screamed like a baby for a second.)
Seventh thought. It's really dark, feels like walls are actually closing in for the first time in my life.
Eighth thought. I need a miracle.
Tried opening the door again. Nope. Didn't open.
Nineth thought. Miracles don't usually open doors. I need to be smart and stop being stupid. Look around and see what's in here.
At this point, found a tool box. Started feeling in dark for a screw driver. Found one. Found attachment to screw driver. Found screws in door. Slowly took door knob off of door. Door opened.
Tenth thought. Miracles do happen. Thank you Heavenly Father for this little miracle.
So, glad there was a tool box in there, and I wasn't stuck in a closet with a sick Kael for more than 15 minutes.
Kael had so much fun and really loved trying to help me get the door knob off. So, much in fact that he ran to Eden's room and locked the door. Yes. 5 minutes after Kael and I were locked in a closet Kael locked himself in Eden's room. Glad I had that screw driver again...
On a side note, Kael and Eden have both been sick and it has been a couple long nights and days. Today doesn't seem to be starting off that great either. Another miracle would be nice... :)