It was way past time for Kael to get a new bike. Another great walmart purchase. Hoping this one last a while. He can barely touch the ground with the seat on the lowest setting. He was so excited for his "new" bike. It was so nice to buy something new from a store. I'm glad he learned on a $10 KSL deal and a free KSL deal. It really got us threw. And I felt like learning to ride on a cheap bike was worth it that he really has earned this bike. He really outgrew his little 12 inch bike. He tried to ride fast, but it just couldn't. It was so funny. His little legs would peddle as fast as they could. It now scares me seeing how fast he can go. So proud of this kid. He is growing up way too fast. I just know I'm going to blink my eyes and the next two months will be gone and he will be 5! Slow down time. Just slow down.
Oh and can you tell what his favorite color is??? ;)
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