Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 16, 2013 Father's Day and A Birthday

This is what the kids and I did for Derek for Father's Day. I got them framed and on the wall already! I totally love costco. I don't really love all the people who shop at costco and give me grief! A man literally cut in line in front of me while I was holding Elara and had the other 2 kids. Did you really need your hot dog that bad mister?! Another lady complained about where I was putting my shopping cart while I kindly told her about my 3 screaming children in the car to which she replied, "Oh." Ya, give me a break people, I'm not out to get you! Back to Father's Day. I tried so hard to surprise Derek, but I am the world's worst liar... I don't think I've surprised him with anything. Ever. Kael was giggling and acting silly when I told him it was a secret and me trying to keep Kael from being silly made Derek catch on. Then, Derek was studying in the back while the kids were bathing and I had the baby and was looking at photos trying to pick which ones to print and then one of the kids needed something so I went into the bathroom and didn't turn the screen off thinking Derek was locked in the back, but it was right then he decided to take a break and get a snack. I came in and the screen was off. Ya, he totally saw the whole thing. I blew it again. He was a good sport and let the kids surprise him still.
I think that is the best about celebrations now is how excited the kids get. They love seeing us act surprised and happy about the little things they do for us. Kael and Eden also painted a picture and made a card for Derek. I totally love any reason to celebrate.

Derek of course spoiled me rotten for my birthday. We had the day planned and it was perfect. Since it was Sunday Derek made his own Father's Day meal and my birthday meal. We had homemade Hawaiian food. Pork, teriyaki beef, noodles and grilled pineapple. I made some chocolate cupcakes and the kids got to blow out the candles. Derek somehow got flowers on Saturday and surprised me Sunday morning. How can he hide flowers and surprise me and I can't even do one thing! It was so fun spending the whole day with Derek and the kids. I just love being with my little family so much. Here is to another great year. 

I totally love Elara's fist pump. "I totally got this down Mom!" 

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