Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Residents of Salt Lake City

We are moved. No pictures yet. Unpacking is still a work in process. We have been going non-stop for this move with packing, loading, unloading, unpacking for what seems like forever. We get up at 7 am with the kids and get working and don't usually stop until around 11 at night, and the kids have been going to bed at 7. I don't remember moving to be this complicated, only the last couple of moves I didn't have 2 children occupying most of my time.

Kael and Eden's rooms are turning out so cute. I can't wait for the finished project. It is going to take some time. I still have many projects to do, but I am loving that Eden finally is in a room by herself, and Kael has all of his toys in his room. He is turning in to quite the little boy and his room proves it. The princess finally has a crib, and pink to match.

Derek has been working so hard to put everything together. We have had to get lots of extra shelves to make extra space and it is turning out wonderful!

Just want to say thanks to everyone who has helped us move. Whether you helped us pack, clean, unload, decorate or whatever it has helped SO SO MUCH. THANK YOU!
A few names in particular: Becca, Brooke, Jonathan, Chris, Josh, Jerris, Ryan, Kirk, Kelly, and lots more, but i'm tired and can't think... THANK YOU EVERYONE.

And thanks Derek for putting up with me being a cranky pants with everything going on. I get grumpy in clutter, and I'm working on being nicer. :) LOVE YOU!

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