Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Many Expressions of Eden and Kael

This is why he isn't allowed to play in the front yard anymore.
Because I have to chase him down the road.

He is finally tall enough to reach the door bell on his own. I had to hold him up during Halloween. He is growing so fast.
This is how he runs everywhere! It is rediculous... Head down so he can't see what's ahead and arms behind his back. Silly boy.

Always picking dandilions. I love outside time and warm weather and so does Kael. We really will miss St. George when we move this summer.
What's up?!
Still picking those dandilions... Unfortunately the lawn guys came today and mowed our back yard. No more dandilions, but hopefully no more bees. He has been so curious with the bees. He LOVES them. He tries to reach down and grab them or step on them, and I'm terrified and make him come inside. It's hard to be so innocent.
Call me K. ;)
Let me think about that...
Let me think about that some more.
Yup, I don't like this hair bow...

She always has a fist at her mouth. It is too funny. We are getting some pictures taken tomorrow of our sweet girl and I am super excited! Can't wait to see how they turn out.

1 comment:

Callahan's said...

What adorable kids you have! Kael really is getting bigger :) Hope you guys are doing well!