Friday, March 19, 2010

Home Again Home Again

I will continue from the last post....

Sharice was finally able to get a little bit of rest once we were in our new room and everyone was all cleaned up and fed. She felt much better after, puking a bit, having a nap, eating, and was no longer nauseated. Around 6PM I left to go help with Kael, who was being watched by my mom, Kael's Grammy. My mom had driven down from SLC around 2:00PM to take over watching Kael from our neighbors the Copes. Sharice was able to get a long nights rest utilizing the nursery and Eden breastfed really well every 3 or 4 hours through the night. She's a much quicker eater than Kael was, thank goodness for Sharice. Kael had a ton of fun at our neighbors house playing with their little boy who is his same age, but had even more fun with his Grammy at home. At little side story that's rather sad. The afternoon of the day that Sharice's went into labor Kael had been playing very happily outside but managed to trip and face plant it on the sidewalk. He also bit all the way through his lip. I was at school so Sharice called me and I came home and we took him to the doc. We felt really bad for the little guy and he had a rough night with the pain, us leaving to deliver a baby, and not being able to be with his mommy for more than a day, so in the pictures you can see we got him a big popsicle and have been giving him extra attention :-). Anyways, baby story continued.... next morning things had gone well, Sharice was feeling great, minimal bleeding and so we checked out right around lunch. There's a picture of Sharice and Eden finally wearing non-hospital clothes right before we checked out. Kael was way happy to see his Mom! He was a little leary of Eden and her cries but he seems very happy and is going to be a great older brother to Eden. Everyone is home, my Mom is helping out, and things are going really well. We want to thank you all for your prayers and just want to say we love you all! Here are a couple more pics and I will probably get some more posted tomorrow.

Mommy, Eden, and Kael just chilling while watching a movie. Kael was very happy to be with his Mom again!
Eden and Sharice finally out of their hospital gear :-) What a relief to be on our way out!

Kael with his giant popsicle and loving it, nice and cold on his bit through lip

Our little angel Eden Marie!

Eden already being a cutie! It's going to take me a little while to get used to all of this PINK, but still lots of FUN!!!


Anonymous said...

Adorable pics! Such a sweet family! Glad mom is there to help out!

Brian & Chelsey Hafen said...

I'm so happy for you & your family. Your little girl is such a doll!

Jon, Janice, Kaylee, & Regan said...

Love those pics of Eden! Can't wait to see her in person. Till then keep those photos of your two cuties coming please.

Cannon said...

Most superb on your newest addition to the family. Too bad about Kael. It must be the season for biting lips. I think Christian's kid did the same thing and had to get stitches. I swear I'm gonna need stitches too if I don't stop biting myself when eating. Sheese.

Nate and Sum said...

Very cute baby! I love her name. I am glad your family is doing well.

Thompson's said...

What a cute girl. I am so glad everything went ok for you. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!