Tuesday, January 26, 2010

31 weeks and my little cheezer

My latest projects. I have finished 3 burp cloths, and crocheted this super cute hat! Thanks so much Kim for the pattern, and thanks Shannon for getting me started over the phone! I ordered some cloth diapers today. Can you tell I'm a little nervous she is going to spit up as much as Kael?.... ;) Kael spit up until he was 12 months old after every feeding and SO MUCH. I'm getting prepared early. Also, I'm going to sew cute pink ribbon onto the cloth diapers to use for burp cloth and make them cuter. I'm excited!

The bump at 31 weeks... Here you go family who live far away.
And this is my little cheezer. He is so stinkin cute! He always tries to grab the camera when I want to take his picture so I have to hide it until the last second. He will be 18 months in February and I am way nervous, yet excited to start nursery... In our ward we have 7, YES 7 nursery classes. It will be interesting.


Sandra said...

I'm so jealous already and I haven't even had my own baby yet! You are so tiny!!

Nyberg Family said...

LOVE the hat! Soo soo soooo cute! I wanna make one!!!!!