Into beautiful December we go! So much snow to play in.
The kids attended a homeschool class where they dissected a frog. Totally gross, but totally cool!
Uncle Rob and Aunt Julie sent the kids a surprise from Texas!
We miss our Texas family fiercely, and are so grateful to stay in contact with them. They sure know how to make a kid feel loved.
I spy with my little eye Admiral Cobb and Ozriel, and a large snail in our big fish tank.
The sunsets in Alaska never get old for us.
We went ice fishing and came home with A LOT of fish. Rainbows and silvers.
Fry those fish up and get them in our stomachs!
The dogs can't help but beg for some fish!
Sure love our grumble of pugs.
The Bradley Family Christmas Card was created. We didn't get any family pictures taken, but we had so many Alaskan adventures we wanted to share them from this year. It was an AMAZING year in Alaska!
With the card we included this short note.
Merry Christmas Family and Friends,
This season I could share the hundreds of adventures our family has gone on from our homeschooling, northern lights seeing, dog sledding, ice fishing, salmon fishing in every way possible, hiking, and all that Alaska has shown us so far. However, the thing I have loved most about this year has been our family coming together to look past ourselves and to learn more about how we can see other people and serve and look for ways to love a little more. This pandemic has taught us to look past our differences and even beyond our own needs and to really see others the way Christ sees each of us. Even though we can’t see you in person, we see you all in our hearts. We miss you all and we love you.
We are grateful for a Savior who was born for us, died for us, and loves us all.
The Bradley’s
Derek, Sharice, Kael, Eden, Elara, and Connor
For the end of the semester for school our homeschool group met at a rock wall, trampoline park. The kids had so much from climbing and jumping all over, and it was nice to be active in the winter.
Derek and I made it to the Alaskan temple for the first official time and had to snap a photo! The temple is open and we are serving! It is another step to a more normal life. We will forever be grateful for the time covid 19 gave us as a family to draw closer to each other, and it definitely is different to branch out again.
Elfie the Elf came back again this year and left a note for the kids. Here are a few of his silly acts.
He still has his mask for covid the last year.
Uncle Jake and Aunt Nicole put together a book of Joel Heaton's mission letters he sent as a Christmas gift. It was really cool getting to have all of my Dad's letters and to have some of his memories.
As a family this year we wanted to make Christmas a little more meaningful. We chose to make dinner for our next door neighbors and deliver as a surprise. The kids were excited to serve and truly help in the spirit of Christmas. It makes life a little more chaotic, but so much more worth while. I'm proud of their giving hearts and how they want to serve others just as Jesus Christ showed us how.
Another way we decided to be more Christlike this season was to make care packages for homeless people we see along the way. When people are asking for money we decided to do a little more. We got hygeine kits put together and socks, and warm things. We got them all packaged together and then stuck them in our cars so if we ever saw someone in need we could immediately hand them out. The kids LOVED being able to care for the poor in this way to to try to serve however they could. We definitely will be trying this out again another year.
I think there are too many dogs on that tiny bed...
Frozen hair and just don't care. I had seen so many people try going out in freezing temperatures with wet hair and I wanted to see if it really would freeze, and sure enough it really does! I went back inside quick enough because I didn't want it to break off.
Eden came kind of freaked out to the kitchen. She said she got something stuck in her foot when she was running in the house. Sure enough a toothpick was on the ground and she hit it just right to go right between her toes! I was so grossed out and felt so bad. I got my courage and pulled that baby out! She was so tough and didn't even cry, but it looked so painful. It was in there pretty good too.
I volunteered to help coach the ski team, but as I know nothing about how to ski and wanted to learn myself I went in the beginner group with the 6 year olds and helped Connor learn to ski. We learned together. I was mostly there as an extra adult to sit on the ski lift with the kids and to just be extra hands. The kids skills improve every day. I'm so proud of them trying something new.
I feel really lucky when I can snag a photo of all 4 dogs sitting together and looking at the same time. I guess I also feel that way about 4 children sitting and looking at a photo at the same time as well.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
It just wouldn't be Christmas without decorating ginger bread houses. This is definitely a family tradition we have grown to love over the years. These little houses that create a little village in our home remind me I have a full house of little people to fill it with, and I'm so grateful for them.
Not included in the photo is that Grandma Heaton came to visit Alaska for the first time, and gets to stay through Christmas with our family and we are so glad to have her and spend some quality time.
Heidi Pinkston sure knows how to spoil kids.
Christmas Even dinner definitely needs to be a turkey so we can make taquitos the next day to enjoy!
Derek's turkeys only get yummier and yummier!
More of Elfie's schinanegans. He is quite the mischievous little elf.
The kids were able to bring out their gifts they created in their homeschool art class. It was simply incredible what they were able to create. So, on the table on Christmas Eve and all ready to be opened on Christmas.
Christmas Eve presents to be opened! Then off to bed!
Then, what to our wandering eyes do appear?! Christmas morning goodies!

All the presents from the family were loaded under the tree Christmas Eve for another wonderful day to be spoiled.
Santa even brought a little something for all 4 pugs!
Derek has come up with the most creative ways over the years to block the kids from seeing if Santa came or not through the night. No peeking.
Waiting oh so patiently to come out of their rooms for Christmas morning surprises.
And just like that it is time, and here we are again having a wonderful Christmas morning.
Elara asked for a pooping baby doll, and Santa did not disappoint even though Mom really didn't want one.
Even Grandma Heaton was visited by Santa Clause and we had a special morning getting to open so many fun things.
Another tradition is putting all the cards from the Grandparents on the tree to be opened on Christmas morning and sending them photos of their cards. These kids sure are spoiled and so loved.
I can't remember which kiddo made me this special hat, but it will be remembered always.
The kids piano teacher in Texas still teaches all the kids piano, and each year at Christmas she would get her piano students an ornament, and she shipped them to the kids for their Christmas this year. We sure love Teri Smith and how she has helped our kids develop a love of music. We are grateful she is a part of our lives.
And a Christmas cherry pie.
Christmas Taquitos!
Some cookies left for Santa.
We went fishing Dec 28th at Loberg Lake, and Derek caught a monster! He thought he got stuck on a log or something it was so hard to pull up out of the ice, and then sure enough it was a huge fish.
The rest of the fish just looked puny next to the big one.
Not sure how the kids hooked this little fish, but they did.
The views were beautiful this day.
All nice and warm in the tent.
Derek earned another award at work!
Some of our delicious cookies the kids decorated.
Derek knows I love puzzles and for Christmas he got me a puzzle of all of our Alaskan adventures. It was so fun to put it together and see so many of the incredible things we have been able to do in Alaska already. So grateful for this wonderful, full, fun filled life we have together.
We took Grandma to the Alaskan Wildlife Center in Girdwood area. We always love seeing all the amazing Alaskan animals there, and they never disappoint.
We needed proof Grandma was here because we just weren't taking very many pictures.
There were several parts of 2021 that I deeply wish I could forget with time, and with just time those hard things won't seem so bad. I am however extremely grateful for all the beautiful and wonderful experiences our family had. Without a doubt there is always and forever more good than bad. Happiness is a choice. These people, my people, make me feel that happiness deep in my soul, and I will love them forever.
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