Tuesday, December 03, 2019

July 2019

July was hot, and fun. Connor was going to speech therapy twice a week the entire summer, which kept him busy. Eden and Elara still had gymnastics and Kael and Eden had karate, and the 3 big kids all had piano because Elara started this summer. It seemed like we were always busy even though the kids weren't in school.
We had a fun 4th of July Independence Day up at the Pinkston's. I made fun yummy things, and Derek bought some BIG fireworks. It was amazing and so much fun.

The night ended with us belting out as loud as we could God Bless the USA. It was a proud moment for sure.
 On the 11th we went to 7/11 for free slushies. Some traditions are too good to miss.
We went to the library a couple of times. Kael read entire series all summer.
The pugs got new pillows for their beds. I'm not sure they "loved" them, but they worked.
Although Freya looks pretty cute in hers.
Kind of not our brightest moments, but we took the dogs on a walk in July... I'm not sure we have ever seen their tongues hang out so far their entire lives. They were so hot and couldn't cool down, and we laughed for a good long time.
We were so EXCITED the Day Family came to visit for an entire week! We had so much fun and love having our cousins here. We played games and did fun things all week long. We even got brave enough to try out bowling again with Connor. After he broke his finger we all got nervous about bowling, but he seemed to love it still and we all had a blast.
 Aunt Shannon loves us, and boy do we love it when she comes to visit!
 We had a boy team and a girl team. These cousins sure had so much fun!
We got to go to the river and float and visit Pinkston's and show them the goats and big dogs. It was fun sharing some of our favorite things with some of our favorite people!

Rebekah was missing her dog Benji, so she helped love on the pugs.
So many fun games!
Elara and Cassie used clay to make a mini Mario family with LOTS of toads.
We were sad when they had to leave, but so glad for all the fun memories!
Eden being cute.
Dad took us all to the live action "Lion King". It was pretty awesome. It's one of my favorite Disney movies of all time.

Heidi was in charge of a 24th of July celebration for her entire stake for church. They host this HUGE event with games, face painting, music, pie eating contest, TONS of food, for like 1000 people. She did AMAZING and the kids and I were able to go. Derek had to work sadly, but we had so much fun!
The kids got to ride ponies, which Eden couldn't stop, and hold chickens, get their faces painted, eat watermelon, see family, dance, and see amazing fireworks. So grateful for the pioneers who paved the way for us to be a part of something so amazing. And so grateful to Heidi for throwing such a fun party!

Elara got a flower, Eden got a man's beard, and Connor got a spider web.

Baby Silas is getting so big! Morgan and Silas came to visit us at our house. It's so fun seeing my kids be big kids and starting to help with babies and be a big help actually.

July meant summer time is flying by. We love summer time and all the fun that comes with it. We didn't go on any big trips this summer, but it seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. Before we knew it, Kael's birthday was coming and school was about to start again. Next summer is going to have big changes for our family, and we were just grateful to have a wonderful last summer in Texas!

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