Wednesday, January 23, 2019

December 1-December 18th Before our Trip

December began with an opportunity to meet Santa Clause. It was meant to be a secret operation to surprise Derek with some fun photos of us to send for Christmas, but totally didn't work because I never got the photos back. It was a lot of work, but so worth it. We juggled a soccer game and everything to make it work. I still somehow managed to mess up the time for our activity days activity singing at a retirement center and that didn't happen. I was feeling sick still and overwhelmed and somehow messed it up. It was one of my fears that would happen and happen it did somehow... And I lived to tell the tell, so I guess all turned out ok.

 Kael is back to playing soccer and it is a fun activity for our Saturdays.
Derek's operating room crew.
We had to put all the candy canes up high on the tree because Connor kept eating them all.
Kael has been having fun at scouts. They made an advent ferris wheel.
On the morning of December 4th Elfie the Elf came back!
We love getting new books from Derek.
More Elfie Shinanegans

Derek got the kids gifts from Afghanistan. The girls scarfs, Connor a hat and Kael a shirt.

The kids wanted to make the nachos that Derek made them once. 
Having my Mom around was a lot of fun. We took some time one night to try out a mud mask.

The kids decorated our annual giving tree. It was a fun FHE activity and a fun tradition I love doing every year to try and do a little extra to be like our Savior.

We had our ward Christmas party on Friday December 7th. We had a fun dinner and then the kids got to take a picture with Santa Clause.
It's so hard to get all the kids looking the same direction.
This gem was posted on my personal blog. It was quite the story of Connor being excited to meet Santa Clause. He loves the man. They had a fake snow ball fight when we had our pictures taken on December 1st and so Connor actually understood who Santa was this time around and it was magical.

 They hardly ever look in the same direction.
Derek has been completely amazing trying so hard to stay connected with the kids while he is gone. He has been recording himself reading them books and mailing them new books that they listen to him read. He has sent them packages. And the kids have loved any mail they receive from him and it makes them feel so special.
Elfie as usual decorated our Christmas tree with toilet paper. I think it is the kids favorite prank Elfie does for them. They laugh about it all year long.

We prepped the gingerbread houses and icing the night before. I'm so glad we put in the prep work early, so we could focus on having fun with the kids. I have to remember if I can prep as much as I can with Derek gone it helps to stay in the moment more with the kids.
So, Sunday the kids had their piano recital and they did AMAZING. Eden was able to memorize "Away in a Manager" and I'm so proud of both kiddos and how hard they are working to develop this talent. After the recital we got to work on the gingerbread houses and I love how each house really shows each kids personality. 

 Derek tries to take the kids on Daddy outings whenever he gets the chance and it just seemed like the kids needed some special bonding time of some sort. I decided since I had my Mom's help I would take the opportunity to take each kiddo out of school and out for a special Mom lunch date. They got to pick where we went and it was such a fun experience for me. I love having one on one moments with my sweet kiddos.
 Kael wanted to go first. He picked Chuy's and ate that entire burrito himself! I was so impressed.
Kael is such a kind and gentle spirit who brings so much good into this world. He is turning into quite the amazing young man and really impresses me every day with being a bright, fun, energetic, happy kid. Being a Mom is the best, but being Kael's Mom is the icing on the cake!

 Elara was next. I forgot to take a photo in the restaurant, but she chose Chick-Fil-A. Sweet Elara is such a leader and a good example to everyone around her. She is so silly, kind, fun, happy, and oh so sweet. Every day she brings us so much joy. She is Connor's little Mommy and really she takes care of all of us. We love her and I loved spending a lunch date with her.

This is definitely a traditon I want to continue. Eden chose KFC. It was so yummy. Some workers who were eating lunch said Eden was so cute and it was so fun. Eden is the best oldest daughter. She leads by example and takes initiative of everything in life. She is my mini me in looks and is so beautiful inside and out. I cannot believe how she is 8 going on teenager it seems most days. She is clever and so happy and full of life. I'm definitely treasuring the time I have with these hooligans. 
I took Connor out and we go to lunch a lot and have all morning with just the two of us. So I didn't do a "specific" date with the boy. I love him so much all the same and love that we get all day together while the big kids go to school. I didn't realize how lucky I would be to have so much time with my little buddy and I'm so grateful that I have it.

Kael got his braces off AND his expander out officially and FINALLY on December 14th.
Before and After
I LOVE this kids smile. It was totally worth the 21 months of basically torture for the kid. Having a metal bar expanding his upper jaw and then add braces after that. He is an amazing kid and is so tough. He will have to have braces again once he loses all of his teeth, but I am SO glad we did this process. It really helped the shape of his mouth and has "hopefully" prevented teeth damage and having to pull permanent teeth later from such a narrow upper jaw.
Love my handsome boy. So proud of him sticking with us through all of this so it will help his mouth for the rest of his life!
The kids have been utilizing our things to tell Dad board so they don't forget to ask him certain questions, or tell him about what they are excited for before they get to talk to him again. We try to facetime about once a week, but sometimes it is a little longer. It all depends on Derek's schedule and how busy he is and our times lining up with the time difference.
I am really grateful we found this idea though.
 Elfie was quite busy as we prepared to go on our trip to Utah.
He had so much mischief going on this year.
In preparation for our epic trip Elfie decided to join us and added a little something special to the van.

The next morning as soon as school was out we were on the road.

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