Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Welcome to Motherhood

Ever since Kael was born I've had this thought go to my head with each new experience Kael has brought me, "Welcome to Motherhood". I don't think it sarcastically or anything like that, I'm just really excited that this is the stage in my life! When Kael was born "Welcome to Motherhood", first smile, Kael waking up every half hour through the night, first time he rolled over, cutting my finger with a knife really good, things like that...

Last night however, caused this phrase to come to my head and appreciate all mothers in the world especially my own... I've worked in the emergency room facing all sorts of disgusting things mind you, so last night when my son's stomach wasn't feeling so great and he vomited all over me from head to toe, hair soaked with sweet potatos and about 8 oz of milk that he just drank, was without a doubt in my mind "WELCOME TO MOTHERHOOD"...

Derek was too sweet and took care of Kael while I got to take a shower. I felt so bad for Kael, but now at least a know no matter how much my baby spits up, it is not that bad! =0)


Jon, Janice, Kaylee, & Regan said...

Poor Kael! I hope he's feeling better soon. And poor you. I remember when Kaylee did that to me. YUCK!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I am so sorry!!! Poor Kael and Poor Mommy!!!! Oh the stories we will share over the years!!!!!!!!

Wilson Family said...

I am soooo sorry. I hate that every time they throw up it always seems to hit moms first. I am proud that Derek was able to clean it up.